Learning To Deal With The Life Circumstances You’re Dealt With

lifelikepokerOne question that’s constantly raised in our society is wealth inequality and wealth acquisition. What arises are it’s roots, the differences, this when it comes to generating and maintaining wealth, along with its unknown elements.

Life is similar to a game of risk, chance, of strategy, such as what the game of poker offers, metaphorically speaking. The gamble that is wealth generation. In poker, you’re dealt random hands which are directed by fate. At times you’re dealt strong hands, increasing the odds of winning that round.

But the majority of the time, you’re dealt mediocre to poor hands. In most cases, you fold and wait for a better set of cards. For all of the average hands anything can happen, this depending on how you and others play the cards, this along with the luck of the draw.

You winning depends on the entire outcome at the end of the day. The probabilities of receiving a weak hand, a playable hand, or a strong hand are about the same every round.

The strength of the hand that you’re dealt, statistically anyways, is completely independent of every other hand that’s dealt to you.

The Game Of Life

Those The Fortunate
When we’re born, some are dealt extremely strong hands right from the beginning. They’re born with superior genes which predisposes them with traits that will increase their chances when it comes to being successful in life.

These traits from the generous gene pool include: high energy, intelligence, self discipline, a cheerful disposition, resiliency, composure, creativity, good looks, etc.

They’re born to parents who has the resources, ability, and an interest to raise them properly, while helping them to reach their highest potential.

They’re usually raised in highly affluent neighborhoods, sheltered in safety, fed good food, avoiding the infestation that is crime and danger making them almost nonexistent.

The educators at school are also competent and caring, allowing them to acquire the precise accurate knowledge rationally and creatively, this according to their specific aptitude.

Then they enter an economy where they’re free to pursue any career choice or athletic pursuits which suits them the best, this to make an excellent living for themselves and their offspring.

Then The Mediocre
Then there are some who just aren’t that lucky. They on the surface are dealt inferior genetic hands, which prejudices them towards lower intelligence, impulsiveness, lethargy, attention deficits, and the lack of ambition or imagination.

Their parents at times abandon them, the nurturing isn’t there, supporting them to reach their potential becomes secondary. The living conditions are poor, the neighborhood dangerous, where crime and their elements are common and rampant.

The goal of the teachers is for them to stay safe themselves, to get through their day without any type of violence occurring. The information that’s imparted by them is usually outdated and at times incorrect.

They adhere to parochial narrow minded thinking instead of critical creative thinking which they should be encouraging. Work opportunities in the area are depraved, where just a small minority lives in opulence, while the rest lives in abject poverty.

The land is ravaged by acts of god, droughts, earthquakes, floods, or typhoons. The people cling on to superstitions in the attempts to make any sense of their misery.

The Roll Of The Dice
In life, what we’re dealt with is a number of factors which are not of our choosing, and completely out of our hands. We do not choose the genes we’re born with, to be male or female, nor the characteristics of our parents and how they treat us.


We don’t choose the neighborhood, city, country, or the particular configuration of government and their regulations, the economic system, or the natural resources that are available.

So life is similar to poker. The biggest difference being that the events in our lives aren’t always statistically independent from each other, as they may be in poker.

The strength of the hands that we’re dealt early in our lives usually has a direct influence later in what happens to our life events.

You Always Have A Choice
Some will claim that the cards are stacked up against them. They claim that they don’t have no other choice but taking the only direction which is available to them, or given to them, which is the easy way out.

But know we all have choices. This as long as we have the right to protect ourselves, to stand up as individuals. Then you’re given the choice, the right to act. How you live your life is strictly on you.

If you live an extremely hectic stressful life, then that’s because you choose to be busy. There’s no one who can force any type of life upon you. Every choice that you make has its own cause and effect.

Taking Control Of Your Life
Living life can at times become difficult and challenging. Knowing what works for you and what doesn’t may take a while to adjust, becoming a work in progress.

At times, most often, you’ll get frustrated, confused by what you’re doing, what you can or can’t do, where you’re going.

You may attempt to follow the direction of others, but eventually follow your own wisdom, although there are those times when your internal directional systems will throw you off course.

You can also be lured away from where you want or need to be. Often, this distress call comes from those with good intentions, who may want to help you, or are looking out for you.

So direct your life the way that you want, so that you’ll do the right thing, your way. Never comply or fall victim and obey to what life has dealt you.

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